Sunday, June 7, 2015

Spain trip - Ávila, pt. 2

Storks finding creative places to roost
Corpus Christi in Ávila
At San Juan Bautista
In the Cathedral nave
Convento de San Teresa - her birthplace
After a fitful night trying to sleep on a hard, single mattress, Charles held hope that his sleeping problems wouldn't be the defining story of this leg of his trip and he was right!

Among the sites seen today as Charles criss-crossed the walled-portion of town (trying to keep ahead of closings) was:

The cathedral, very nice (but no Toledo!) was first up as Charles just fell into the streams of folk making their way for the festivities. The building is over 950 years old and the carnival atmosphere of Corpus Christi, the excitable children, and the tourist milling about caused a lot of noise! 

Making his was outside, he took in the Capila de Mosen Rubi, one of three local churches hosting exhibits on the 500th anniversary of Teresa's birth. He also got to see the exhibit at the Iglesia de San Juan de Bautista. At San Juan, the baptismal font where Teresa was baptized in 1515 is found, and is till in use. Just as he was coming out of San Juan, the throngs coming from the cathedral could be heard and so he rejoined the procession through the Plaza Mercado Chico as the stream of people made its way through the streets and back to the cathedral.

Remaining for lunch in the Plaza Mercado Chico, Charles enjoyed a local favorite, Judías de El Barco de Ávila (a white bean soup) which was wonderful. But there was more to see, and so, fueled up for the afternoon, Charles set off again!

1 comment:

  1. So happy you were able to change rooms and get a better bed. The pace you are maintaining requires you to get a good night's sleep each and every night! Oh, and the pictures you are posting with your new camera are just splendid! Thank you!
