Saturday, July 20, 2024

Another project at the church

Taking advantage of some beautiful summer weather, we tackled a painting project at the church. Fresh paint was applied to some of the curbs and to a speed hump. So much nicer than before!

Friday, July 19, 2024

Tonight in Louisville, Colorado

We had a fun time tonight at the Louisville Street Faire! Belinda's P.E.O. chapter had a booth selling bottles of water for a fundraiser. The music was loud, and the crowd looked to be having a great time!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

More from Spokane

Saying farewell to Bishop Oliveto and Robin
On the way to the retirement celebration
The new UMC bishops
Consecration service

The days following Charles' unsuccessful bid for the episcopacy were full of balloting, elections, and celebrations. The consecration of the two newest UMC bishops capped the gathering on Saturday.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Good news

Some good news, Charles just finished his interview and is now a Provisional Board-Certified Chaplain.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

A unique experience

Candidates gather for a photo
The plenerary in action

Charles addresses the gathering
Up for a vote
The results

Charles was one of twenty-two persons whose names were put forward for consideration in the Western Jurisdiction of The UMC for the office of bishop. While unsucessful in his pursuit, the experience was certainly an interesting one!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

On the road!


Charles is ready!

A last-minute decision this morning led to Charles jetting off to Spokane, Washington to attend the Western Jurisdiction Conference. It is an opportunity to witness, as we like to say, "History in the making!" Charles is humbled to be included in the conversation leading to the future of the church.

Monday, July 8, 2024

A surprise announcement

After much prayer and in response to the call for candidates by the Western Jurisdiction Conference of The UMC, Charles put his name forward for consideration as a
nominee for election to the episcopacy. It's a long shot to be sure, but it is an honor to even be on the list of potential bishops (the list eventually grew to include twenty-two names).

2024 Episcopal Candidates - Western Jurisdiction (

Friday, July 5, 2024


Charles joined Myrle Myers and her granddaughter, Kelly, for an afternoon golf outing this afternoon. It was perfect weather for hitting the links and a good time was had by all!

Monday, July 1, 2024

A new year

We started our sixth year in Boulder today!