Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Back home!

A Greater Sandhill Crane
Up close with a native!

Approaching the Arch
Close up of the Arch

The view from inside the Arch

Charles set out for home this morning having had a full experience over the past few days! 

On the way home, he paid a visit to the Crane Trust, an organization that focuses on the Sandhill Cranes that make the area between Grand Island and North Platte a regular stop on their spring and fall migrations.

He also stopped at the Archway, a unique exhibit space that spans I-80 and has some very interesting exhibits that focus on the migration through the region beginning with the covered wagons to the current time.

Monday, August 26, 2024

A hot day!

Back together!

Nice place to visit

A very hilly, rolling course

 It was a very hot day for Charles as he ventured south into Missouri today! He first stopped in the town of Mound City to get in nine holes on a fun course (his first time playing in Missouri) before meeting up with his sister, Jackie, in St. Joseph for lunch. It was the first time in five years that the two siblings had been able to get together!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Charles' weekend in Schuyler, Nebraska!

Foggy August morning

Most of the weekend's attendees

The morning started out very foggy as Charles' seminar wrapped up with a final session and a Mass. It was an interesting activity and worth the drive back to Nebraska!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

The time at the St. Benedict's Center

The seminar's presenter

A refreshing view and sound

Time for a walk
Sauntering at the labyrinth

Seminar session

The time at the Center is wonderful in part due to the people who attend the events but also for the place itself. Now in its 27th year, this is special place for us!


Friday, August 23, 2024

It's a Zoo (plus!)

It's been a long time!

Aardvark sighting

Hanging around

Stopping for refreshments
Things to see in the aquarium

Nearby the golf course, was Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium. Charles had last visited this wonderful place more than twenty-five years ago!

Round two

Taking advantage of a free morning and nice weather, Charles added to the states he has played golf in with Whispering Woods Golf Course in Council Bluffs, Iowa! Not a great score, but the experience was still enjoyable!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Have bear will travel (or not)

Bear on the road

Bear at home

We have a tradition in our family, sneaking a bear into the luggage of whoever is traveling. Belinda made sure that Charles had our "Cornwall bear" to accompany him during his return to Nebraska. Charles decided to take it a step further, and left a "Finn bear" on the bed for Belinda to know that he is thinking about her!

Today in Schuyler

Charles arrived in Schuyler, Nebraska this afternoon ahead of the beginning of a weekend seminar at the St. Benedict's Retreat Center. The event is "Strengthening Your Core: Spiritual Fitness with St. Benedict."

Fore in Kansas!

On the way to Nebraska for a weekend seminar at St. Benedict's Center in Schuyler, Charles made a quick stop to get in nine holes at Meadow Lakes Golf Course in Colby, Kansas. This is the first time he's played in Kansas!

Monday, August 19, 2024

Wesley at the vet

 Wesley had his annual check-up today and at 12 year old, is in the pink!

Friday, August 16, 2024

A productive morning

Charles was hard at work this morning, spending 5 1/2 hours trimming branches at the church with his trusty chainsaw and hauling the wood to the yard waste facility in Boulder. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Golfing for charity

Charles had a great time this morning at the Swinging for AIDS charity golf event at Overland Park Golf Course in Denver. His team finished at 65 (-7), the winning team had a 52 (-20).

Monday, August 12, 2024

More buttons!

Charles got into the political fevor with a selection of buttons for/against the two main candidates for president.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

A Saturday treat!!

Charles had an unexpected treat today: an assortment of buttons from a fellow member of the Board of Ordained Ministry, Becky Buxton!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Nap time!

 Sammy, the neighborhood cat, sometimes stops by the church office for a snack and sometimes for a nap. On a hot day, he decided that taking a nap in the office was a better way to spend his time.

A cleaner home

In response to several wildfires in our area, we went and bought three air purifiers for the parsonage. We can already see the positive results!