Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Today in San Angelo

Thank God for the rain! Okay, maybe it isn't the great deluge we need in west Texas, but every drop counts, and it is helping to keep the temp down to a mere 85F.

Yesterday and today we have been running errands, taking care of loose ends from our move and beginning the resting phase of our journey. Charles got in 9-holes of golf at the downtown San Angelo municipal course (Santa Fe G.C.) yesterday evening, which was a nice way to enjoy the cooler weather.

No news from the employment/ministry front as of today.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

First Sunday in San Angelo

The oppressive heat took a breather today here in west Texas, it's only 91F which is a welcome from the 100+ days since our arrival last Thursday.

This morning we attended St. Luke UMC (San Angelo, TX), enjoying the 11:00 worship service with that community of faith.

After church it was off to Charles' favorite eatery, Schlotzky's Deli, for lunch. Next to Schlotzky's there was one of San Angelo's famous sheep (these can be seen all over downt0wn San Angelo), be looking on the blog in the comng days for more San Angelo sheep! In the afternoon, Belinda and Mo went to an estate sale in the community where she lives.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Friday in San Angelo, part 2

Braving the heat of a Texas evening, Charles and Belinda ventured forth from our temporary home to take in a minor league baseball game between the San Angelo Colts and the Coastal Bend Thunder. It was a lot of fun, taking in the local color and despite the heat we had a good time, particularly since the Colts won, 13-4!

Saturday is off to a slow start. Belinda and her mother are enjoying the afternoon, taking in a bingo game at the community club house. Later this afternoon, we'll be going to the 5:30 p.m. "come as you are" service at Sierra Vista UMC here in San Angelo.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday in San Angelo

Moving day is here
It's HOT!
Lots and lots of tea!

Well, we're here in San Angelo, TX and waiting for the next phase in our journey to begin.
We got into town yesterday afternoon and after lunch at our favorite place, Logan's Roadhouse, made it to the storage place where we spent the next few hours unloading the truck. It was 108F (42C) on thursday when we finished (it is only 103 today)!!! Then it was to Belinda's mother's home on the northwest side of San Angelo - it was a much needed rest Thursday evening to be sure!

Today we emerged from our coma-sleep to return the u-haul truck and have lunch at Olive Garden. Afterwards, it was to the computer (and Baker Street Coffee House) for Charles while Belinda and her mother, "Mo" went in search of a curio hutch.

Keep tuning into the alkula.blog for the latest news. Access to the internet will be sporadic, so don't be looking for daily updates :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

On the road again...

One for the blog
In a dusty Colorado town
This morning we arose in Lamar, CO and after a slow start continued on our way south into Texas. We found a really cute diner in Campo, CO where we enjoyed some cool tea and some darn good cherry pie! Then it was cutting across the Oklahoma panhandle and into Texas.
Tomorrow we'll be in San Angelo where we'll begin to unload the truck and launch into the next phase of the journey...stay tuned for further details.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Moving Day is here!

On the road again
Belinda and Carrie
It all fit
Charles, Belinda, and Marilee
Marilee, Whitney, and Charles
On Tuesday we put the finishing touches on the packing, completed the loading of the truck and car and were visited by about a dozen more well-wishers.
Among the visitors today were Benny & Marie Hochman, Dan & Marilee Rowan, Carrie Balfour and Whitney Armbruster. Charles also made a last visit to his office and put the finishing touches on the church newsletter and e-newsletter. With that last task accomplished, he left the First UMC for the last time as its pastor.
We were able to leave Sidney about 3pm and made it as far as Kit Carson, Colorado before stopping for supper at the Shepherd's Inn and then proceeded another hour to Lamar, Colorado where we are taking a much needed rest.
Tomorrow, its on to Texas!

Monday - Loading Day , part 1

Giving things away
Emily & friends
Kristina, Emily, Courtney, and and Belinda
Helping friends
What a whoosh! Yesterday saw the bulk of the loading of the u-haul truck that would transport our belongings to Texas. With more than twenty visitors and assorted volunteers, the parsonage was truly the place to be on Monday in Sidney!
Among the visitors were Kristina & Emily, Courtney, Pastor Eric & Pam (from Holy Trinity Lutheran), and backyard neighbor, Dorris Kella. Thanks to everyone who came by to help with the loading and the packing chores including Marilee Rowan, Cody & Doug Armbruster, and Chase Frerichs.
We were two tired puppies when we checked into the hotel Monday night!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunday - Last Weekend in Sidney, Cont.

Following this morning's marathon of church activity (see this link), we came home for a very brief rest before the next flurry of moving activity kicked in. (You can click here for pictures from church this morning, which included our farewell reception.)

First up was Courtney who came to get some furniture that had been promised to her. She brought two friends with a truck who helped her with the heavy lifting. About the same time, Donna Bahr and Jerald Raines (and three friends) came by to pick up some items of furniture. With Doug & Julie Armbruster picking up the last pieces of furniture, we are left with the items that we'll be taking with us to our new abode (wherever that might be).

Friends Mollie and Hannah Price (and her friend Andy) drove down from Camp Norwesca to share dinner with us and with Kristina and Emily. Despite the heavy rain this evening we enjoyed the last opportunity for awhile to see our friends and talk of adventures to come.

Praise be to God for this special day!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Saturday: Three Days Before We Move...

It is the Saturday before our last Sunday here in Sidney, and we have been busy from sun up to sundown!
We got an early start on the packing this morning before our first visitors arrived. The youth pastor and his wife from the Evangelical Free Church here in Sidney came by to pick up some furniture we were passing along to them. They are a nice young couple, and we were happy to be able to help them get established in their new home in town.

During the loading of the furniture, Dan Rowan, our church lay leader, stopped by to pick up some items promised to his family.

Then we launched back into packing, taking a breath around lunchtime. Doug Armbruster (a member of our church) came by with his magic power drill and helped Charles disassemble and bring upstairs the ten panels of Charles' button collection. Whew! What a job that was!
Just as we were finishing that task, we were visited by church members Courtney, Kristina and Emily. More items found a new home with them!
Then - We went to the church where Charles officiated at the renewal of wedding vows for Pam & Dennis Byerly who have been married for thirty years!
After a quick bite for supper, it was back to the packing and sorting that needs to be done. Whoa! Come back tomorrow, and see what happens next! Praise be to God who gives us the strength to do what must be done!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

A Lovely Social Day!

What a lovely day it was today. We took much-needed breaks from our packing and visited some folks.

We really enjoyed tea time with Ms. Martha Walker in her home this afternoon. What a lovely table she set, and we enjoyed some scrumptious treats along with our tea. It was wonderful to visit with her in her home and see some of her lovely paintings that she did herself!

Tonight we had a great time at a dinner party in a friend's home. The food was great, and the company was delightful!

Praise God for folks who open their homes and their hearts to others!

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Lovely Remembrance of Nebraska!

A gift for Belinda
Belinda's collection
At the Parsonage Connection brunch meeting this past Saturday morning in Lincoln, Nebraska, Belinda was presented with this lovely pitcher.

On behalf of the group, Mary Ellen Kilmer presented a lovely pitcher that was crafted by LeRoy E. Von Glan of Norfolk, Nebraska. (More information about him can be found at http://www.burkholderproject.com/lvonglam.htm.)

The pitcher has a biblical connection. It is based on the one that Rebekah used when she drew water out of the well in Genesis 24. Abraham sent his oldest servant to find a wife for Isaac, if she were willing to go with him. He saw Rebekah who offered to water his camels and agreed to go with him. The pitcher has a handle that is taller than the mouth so one can tie a rope around it. It is lowered into the well, lies down and water is drawn up.

It is a product from Nebraska, and it will serve as a special remembrance from the Nebraska Parsonage Connection family. It will join the other pitchers Belinda has enjoyed collecting during her travels around the world.

Praise be to God from whom ALL blessings FLOW...
Praise be to God for loving folks who love one another through...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Parsonage Connection Brunch Meeting

What a wonderful gathering we had yesterday morning in Lincoln, Nebraska!
The Parsonage Connection always has its annual brunch meeting on the Saturday of the annual meeting of the Nebraska Conference of the United Methodist Church.
This year, we did something different. Instead of meeting in a church hall, we met at a local restaurant called The Green Gateau. Its website is http://www.greengateau.com/index.php.
We had a grand time! The food was great; the fellowship, superb! We enjoyed relaxing and spending time with one another!
The program included...
- A dedicated time of prayer and reflection for the gift of the lives of pastors' spouses who passed onto glory during the previous year
- Introduction of the attendees
- A sharing of the "happenings" in our lives during the past year
- A devotion and prayers
- A review and approval of the treasurer's report
- A review and approval of the proposed revision of the Parsonage Connection's constitution and by-laws
- The election of officers who are willing to serve next year.
It was announced that the details are set for next year's Parsonage Connection spring retreat. It will be at Camp Comeca on Friday/Saturday, April 23/24, 2010. The retreat leader will be Jacque Amweg who is a bereavement counselor and a licensed social worker. The retreat is designed to be a time of reflection and a movement toward a greater understanding of grief and the grief process. We all experience grief throughout our lives. Folks are invited to join together for a time of great fellowship, relaxation and a chance to learn some useful tips and strategies for navigating those turbulent times that all of us inevitably experience.
In appreciation of Belinda Alkula's service as the organization's president for the last years, on behalf of the group, Mary Ellen Kilmer presented Belinda with a lovely hand-crafted pitcher from an artist who resides in Norfolk, Nebraska. Belinda thanked those in attendance, remarking that she will treaure it always as a special remembrance of her time in Nebraska. It will join the other pitchers she has collected from her travels around the world.
Next year's elected officers are President Pat Joy, Vice-President Mary Ellen Kilmer, Treasurer/Secretary Pat Andersen. Next year's advisory board members are Bob Kentner, Stephanie Benischek, Diane Karges and Elly Biederman.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

UMCOR Kits Delivered!

Pastor Charles Alkula and Rilla Draper, our church's lay member to annual conference were busy all day today! They only stopped briefly to have their picture taken... and then they were off to deliver the church United Methodist Women's (UMW's) contribution of various health and school kits for distribution by UMCOR. (UMCOR is the United Methodist Committee on Relief. They offer rapid-response to people in need around the world.)

Annual Conference 2009: Day One

The theme
Checking in
Rev. Lauren Ekdahl
Add caption
Day One: It was so great to see old and new friends today! It really is like a family reunion!

On the Way to Annual Conference 2009

Before the church's annual conference began, Charles took his beloved Belinda to her favorite restaurant for a meal: Cracker Barrel!

(Quiz: How many CB's are there in the state of Nebraska? Answer: Two, one in Lincoln and the other in Omaha.)

Charles made Belinda a very happy woman!

Yea, God!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Belinda goes baking again!

Today was another busy day for Charles & Belinda!
In the early afternoon, Belinda could be found in the church kitchen learning the finer points of making cinnamon rolls! A few weeks ago it was making pies, today it was rolls, and what rolls they were! Yum!
Charles had a busy day ending with a wedding rehearsal. This will be a wedding with lots of folks in attendance so Charles will need plenty of rest tonight!

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Weekend That Was

This weekend was a busy one for us after Belinda's return from Texas. The feature on Saturday was the second "Hello Kittie & Who Let the Dog's Out" event at Sidney's Legion Park. Charles had been asked to participate in the event as he had last year with a blessing of the pets. See the pictures from their time in the part at this link.

On Sunday, we went from dawn to early evening with a full range of church activities. We had six confirmands join the church during the Pentecost celebration, and there was a fantastic potluck after church. In the afternoon, we enjoyed a home-cooked meal at a Courtney's home (a church member) along with Emily and Kristina. In the evening, we enjoyed another session of our study of "the Shack." More from the day can be seen here.