What a wonderful gathering we had yesterday morning in Lincoln, Nebraska!
The Parsonage Connection always has its annual brunch meeting on the Saturday of the annual meeting of the Nebraska Conference of the United Methodist Church.
This year, we did something different. Instead of meeting in a church hall, we met at a local restaurant called The Green Gateau. Its website is http://www.greengateau.com/index.php.
We had a grand time! The food was great; the fellowship, superb! We enjoyed relaxing and spending time with one another!
The program included...
- A dedicated time of prayer and reflection for the gift of the lives of pastors' spouses who passed onto glory during the previous year
- Introduction of the attendees
- A sharing of the "happenings" in our lives during the past year
- A devotion and prayers
- A review and approval of the treasurer's report
- A review and approval of the proposed revision of the Parsonage Connection's constitution and by-laws
- The election of officers who are willing to serve next year.
It was announced that the details are set for next year's Parsonage Connection spring retreat. It will be at Camp Comeca on Friday/Saturday, April 23/24, 2010. The retreat leader will be Jacque Amweg who is a bereavement counselor and a licensed social worker. The retreat is designed to be a time of reflection and a movement toward a greater understanding of grief and the grief process. We all experience grief throughout our lives. Folks are invited to join together for a time of great fellowship, relaxation and a chance to learn some useful tips and strategies for navigating those turbulent times that all of us inevitably experience.
In appreciation of Belinda Alkula's service as the organization's president for the last years, on behalf of the group, Mary Ellen Kilmer presented Belinda with a lovely hand-crafted pitcher from an artist who resides in Norfolk, Nebraska. Belinda thanked those in attendance, remarking that she will treaure it always as a special remembrance of her time in Nebraska. It will join the other pitchers she has collected from her travels around the world.
Next year's elected officers are President Pat Joy, Vice-President Mary Ellen Kilmer, Treasurer/Secretary Pat Andersen. Next year's advisory board members are Bob Kentner, Stephanie Benischek, Diane Karges and Elly Biederman.
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