GREAT BOOK: "Clutter's Last Stand," by Don Aslett.
This is a great book! Every once in awhile, we need to re-read it! (Excuse us now. We probably should tackle a closet or something...)
Here is an excerpt from an interview with this book's author. To read the entire interview, click here.
What advice can you give to those who feel completely overwhelmed by their junk and clutter? They don’t even know what color their carpet is anymore. They don’t know where to begin. Where should they start?
Go for your own stuff first. We have a tendency to worry about our neighbor’s junk or our spouses and children’s junk before our own. We always see people who are worse than we are. Get your own wallet, your own purse, your own bulletin board, your own tools, your own photo album, your own notebook, your own closets. It’s amazing how when you go after your own junk the world changes. It brightens up and there’s not nearly as many bad junkers as you thought after you get rid of your stuff. Dejunk alone. Do it in the morning. Do your own stuff first.
I got a call from a lady who was 65 years old. She said I’m sixty-five, I’ve had a lot of stuff, wealth and everything. I read Clutter’s Last Stand and dejunked my life. For the first time in my life I understood what living was like. Life for her before was tending her junk. We tend our jewelry, or our car, or our house. Tend all the excess we have. She got rid of all of that stuff, and finally she was able to tend to people instead.
It can change lives spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Get rid of evil thoughts, things, covetousness, disrespect, get the junk and excesses out of your life. Even doctors tell us to do it. When you think about it, It’s a truly exciting message…an overall cure for life. Throwing out everything on you, in you and around you…It’s a transformation.