Sunday, April 7, 2013

Second Sunday of Easter

April is well and truly underway and this morning we ventured out and explored a new church [for us], St. Matthew's UMCWe found this to be a very welcoming and inviting congregation and it was wonderful to be with them today.

A particular blessing was from the choir [who sang several times during the service] which sang a haunting song based on this poem . It was written during WW2, on the wall of a cellar, by a young Jewish woman in the Cologne  [Germany] concentration camp:

"I believe in the sun
even when it is not shining
And I believe in love,
even when there's no one there.

And I believe in God,
even when he is silent.
I believe through any trial,
there is always a way
But sometimes in this suffering
and hopeless despair
My heart cries for shelter,
to know someone's there.

But a voice rises within me, saying hold on
my child, I'll give you strength,
I'll give you hope.
Just stay a little while.

I believe in the sun
even when it is not shining
And I believe in love
even when there's no one there

But I believe in God
even when he is silent
I believe through any trial
there is always a way.

May there someday be sunshine
May there someday be happiness
May there someday be love
May there someday be peace...."

- Unknown

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