Saturday, November 30, 2013

Results of Belinda's Work's Donation Drive for Homeless Shelter

Last week, Belinda helped to orchestrate a donation drive at her work for the homeless shelter in Missoula, Montana. 

Thanks to the very generous staff at the Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Hamilton, here is the tally of donated items that completely filled two cars and were donated to those in need this week.

Blankets 31
Cutlery Lots
Gloves, pairs of 17
Hats 11
Jacket Liner 1
Jackets/Coats 46
Jeans/Pants 7
Scarves 14
Sheets/Pillowcases 17
Shirts 54
Shoes, pairs of 12
Ski Pants 5
Sleeping Bags 2
Socks, pairs of 40
Sweat Pants 13
Sweat Shirts 15
Sweaters 31
Throws/Shawls 6
Towels, bath 42
Towels, hand 12
Towels, wash cloths 8
Underwear, new 7
Vest 1

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have had a delightful Thanksgiving Day and hope you have too!  Thanksgiving Day started off here with dense fog along with the 24F.  It warmed up quite nicely by the time we drove to Corvallis where we had our Thanksgiving meal at the potluck hosted by the Corvallis UMC.  It was a wonderful time and the best part was that we didn't have to wash dishes afterwards!

A short work week

Choir practice on Tuesday
Donations for Poverello Center

It's been a "quiet" sort of week for us here in Stevensville.  With Thanksgiving making for a short work week, it was nice to have some down time to look forward to!

Belinda coordinated a clothing drive at the Rocky Mountain Labs in Hamilton over the past week and on Wednesday we loaded up both cars with bags and bags of coats, gloves, hats, sock, towels and much, much more.  There are some generous people working at the Labs and some very appreciative folk at the Poverello Center in Missoula!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sixteen years and counting

We are happy to have celebrated our sixteenth anniversary on November 24th!  Following our morning activities at the church, we were treated to a very special anniversary lunch at the nearby "Mission Bistro" with Don and Sonja Henry (SUMC members).

Where we've been on our anniversaries:
1998 - Osmond, Nebraska
1999 - Iwakuni, Japan
2000 - Iwakuni, Japan
2001 - Jacksonville, North Carolina
2002 - Williamsburg, Virginia
2003 - Jacksonville, North Carolina
2004 - Newquay, Cornwall, United Kingdom
2005 - Newquay, Cornwall, United Kingdom

2006 - Vienna, Austria
2007 - Sidney, Nebraska
2008 - Sidney, Nebraska
2009 - Aitken, Minnesota
2010 - McCamey, Texas
2011 - McCamey, Texas
2012 - San Antonio, Texas
2013 - Stevensville, Montana

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Happy birthday, Dr. Who!

Today is the 50th anniversary of the airing of the first episode of the British SciFi classic, Dr. Who. 

Lovely Saturday

We've had a lovely Saturday here in the Valley, started out this morning with the temperature sitting a 8F!!!  Fortunately it warmed up to 34 which felt like a heat-wave!

Charles helped the Altar Guild with setting up for tomorrow's Thank Offering display and putting the finishing touches on the Advent/Christmas decorations in the church.  Belinda helped out at the Habitat for Humanity home being built in Stevensville, but not with a hammer! She joined some of the other ladies from the church in providing lunch for the workers on site.

In the afternoon we took the short drive to Victor where the Order of the Eastern Star was having a Christmas bazaar.  Belinda knows some of the ladies in that group from work at the Rocky Mountain Labs.

Friday, November 22, 2013

A notable Friday in history

50 Years ago, today, on Friday, November 22, 1963, three lives ended within hours of each other. John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States; Aldous Huxley, noted English novelist and critic; and a man known by his friends simply as “Jack.”

It was this third and final life that has arguably shaped the most lives and who, in the words of the London Times, “in his own lifetime became a legend.”  Read more about C.S. Lewis.

Read James Emery White's wonderful post about C.S. Lewis here:

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Cool & Crisp in the Valley

Beautiful day in the Valley
Birthday lunch at the senior center
Wesley keeps an eye on the home-front
It's been a pleasant day here in the Valley, with temps in the mid-30s and overcast skies it felt as though winter might be making an early announcement!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Lovely day at the wildlife refuge

Bison enjoying a quiet morning
Looking at the Bitterroots
Snow covered Sapphire Mountains
After his breakfast at the Three Mile fire station, Charles went for a stroll at the Lee Metcalf Wildlife Refuge.  It is nice to see the woods changing as it has since our arrival here in June!

1,500 posts and counting!!!

This is the 1,500th post on our blog!!!!

As can be seen in these pictures, the snow of yesterday morning has already left the scene!  Charles had an early start on his "day off," visiting with the folk at the Three Mile Fire Department.  One of the volunteer firemen is a member of the Stevi UMC and had invited Charles to be a part of the 'breakfast club' that is a part of that rural community. 

In the afternoon Wesley got a dose of fresh air, he does love his romps in the yard!

A white Sunday morning

We had our first snow that did anything more than look pretty coming down!  On Saturday we had some snow showers, pretty but it didn't stick around once it hit the ground.  Sunday morning was a different story as a light layer greeted those coming to worship at Stevi UMC.  By afternoon it was gone.  Just the right sort to get the season underway!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thank you, God, for Craigslist!

Yea, Craigslist!  We found this lovely Lazy-Boy recliner, and it is now being used in our parsonage's living room!  

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Fun Time at Ladies' Night at Special Missoula Store!

L-R:  Belinda Alkula, joey diers, Marcia Prather
Enjoying shopping together!
Belinda displays the door prize she won:
Lovely Lotions and Potions!
Belinda had a great time tonight.  She joined three ladies from the church for a special outing to a "Ladies Night" at Madison Creek Furnishings, a furniture store/gift shop in Missoula.  It was great fun for her to enjoy the company of Lynda Fisher (not featured in these pictures), joey diers and Marcia Prather.
There was a great assortment of nibbles (snacks, savory and sweet) and drinks.  And as they listened to good music, they navigated between various stations featuring free cooking demonstrations, eyebrow waxing and manicures.  Throughout the evening, door prizes were awarded.  Belinda was surprised when her number was called!  What a great evening with some wonderful women.  Yea, God!

An wonderful afternoon in Hamilton

Belinda and Charles joined several ladies from the Stevensville United Methodist Women unit in Hamilton this afternoon for the monthly meeting of the ladies from the Hamilton Federated Church (UMC & American Baptist).

It was a lot of fun, with great food and great people with whom to share it.  The program was presented by Lois Klement from the nearby town of Corvallis.  She makes doll clothes that are used for American Girl doll collectors.  She is one very talented lady!!

Belinda enjoyed giving one of her mother's frilly scarves to their women's group's president Jeannie Angel, which just happened to match her outfit perfectly.

What a great time we had:  Delicious food, a wonderful program and heart-warming fellowship!  Yea, God!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wesley's Thanksgiving Tree!

Wesley's Thanksgiving Wonderland
Wesley next to Snoopy Dressed as a Pilgrim
Wesley, the parsonage Kitty Cat, is enjoying his new place to hang out -- underneath the Thanksgiving Tree!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Nice start to our week

Tending to the backyard during a "warm day"
Leaves piling up at the parsonage
Autumnal "Thanksgiving" tree being checked-out by Wesley
We love Fall!
We've had a nice couple of days so far this week:  A wonderful Sunday and a relaxing Veterans' Day!  Yesterday, we set up our "Thanksgiving Tree!"  We decided to put up our tree early to give Wesley a chance to adjust to having something big and green in the living room.  So far, so good!  (It is still standing.)