Friday, March 16, 2012

Happy St. Urho's Day

In honor of St. Urho's Day (March 16th), here is a recipie for Mojakka (a Finnish-inspired soup):

Kalamojakka (Fish Stew)

1 whole fresh fish, cleaned and scaled
6 large potatoes, pared, cubed
1 onion, peeled, quartered
6 whole allspice
salt to taste

Put fish into large pot. Cover with cold water and add the potatoes. Let come to a boil. Do not add salt until you add the onion and whole allspice. Let the potatoes boil about 1/2 hour and then add the onions, allspice, salt and a little butter. Cook until onions are soft.

Submitted by Lee Rowe, Marquette, MI

1 comment:

  1. All respect to the Finns, but I have to say that corned beef & cabbage beats this any day. :-)
