Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter on Toscana Isle

a tree in our front yard

a tree in our front yard
We decided to make Easter a full-blown celebration and following the THREE worship services this morning we went to lunch at the Magnolia Pancake Haus.  This is a well-known San Antonio restaurant that was featured on the TV show, "Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives."

Having sampled their famous corned beef hash (Charles loved it) and some of their pancakes (Belinda loved the bacon pancake), it was time to come home to our sweet kitty!

We hope you've had an Easter filled with joy!

Easter Morning @ Alamo Heights UMC

Garden Chapel

Prayer Chapel

 Our third service of Easter morning took us to Alamo Heights UMC.  We'd been to this church (one of the largest in the Southwest Texas Conference) before, most recently during Advent, and wanted to experience it on the festive ocasion that is Easter.  The service we attended was standing-room only with folding chairs in the aisles for some to use.  We don't know how many were there but it must have been nearly 1,000 people.  The music there is as amazing as one might expect from such a large and affluent congregation. 

One thing we really liked was at the beginning of the service, items which had been removed from the communion table on Good Friday were returned and placed on the table by one of the five pastors.  It was very moving to see this being done as part of the worship service.

Following worship we joined a number of other worshippers in the small chapel for communion.  What a perfect way to end our Easter!

Easter morning @ Windcrest UMC

Following our time at Oak Meadow UMC, we journeyed to San Antonio's east side to the community of Windcrest for the second service of our Easter morning at Windcrest UMC.

This was the first time we'd been to worship at Windcrest and it was well-worth the drive!  The sanctuary was packed and the music, provided by hand bells, a brass quartet, and a large choir, made the service come alive!!

We were also impressed by the warm reception we were given as guests of the congregation.  A lot of churches say they are warm and friendly - Windcrest UMC really means it!!!

Easter Sunrise Service @ Oak Meadow UMC

Our Easter morning began with somewhat humid and cloudy conditions as we made our way to Oak Meadow UMC for their sunrise service.  More than three dozen were on hand at 7am to greet the news of the Risen Christ.

Following the service, we joined the congregation for a FABULOUS breakfast potluck!  There is nothing quite like a church potluck to satisfy any hungry soul, and these folk really know how to do it right!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Great Vigil of Easter @ Zion Lutheran

The Great Three Days - the Triduum - has come to a conclusion and tonight we joined the faithful at Zion Lutheran [ELCA] in  nearby Helotes for a Great Vigil of Easter service. 

The service began in the church's prayer garden which overlooks the church cemetery.  It was a delightful setting and the weather was just right in which to be outdoors.

We then joined a procession to the church's Family Life Center where scripture and hymns were shared.  A second procession took us to the Narthex where we joined in the renewal of the baptismal covenant. A final procession took us into the sanctuary for the celebration of Word and Table. 

It was a very special evening for us and leads us into tomorrow's Easter celebration.

A poem for Holy Saturday

Church of the Holy Sepulcher
“SEPULCHER” – by George Herbert
Oh blessed body! Whither art thou thrown?
No lodging for thee, but a cold hard stone?
So many hearts on earth, and yet not one
Receive thee?
Sure there is room within our hearts good store;
For they can lodge transgressions by the score:
Thousands of toys dwell there, yet out of door
They leave thee.
But that which shows them large, shows them unfit.
Whatever sin did this pure rock commit,
Which holds thee now? Who hath indicted it
Of murder?
Where our hard hearts have took up stones to brain thee,
And missing this, most falsely did arraign thee;
Only these stones in quiet entertain thee,
And order.
And as of old, the law by heav’nly art,
Was writ in stone; so thou, which also art
The letter of the word, find’st no fit heart
To hold thee.
Yet do we still persist as we began,
And so should perish, but that nothing can,
Though it be cold, hard, foul, from loving man
Withhold thee.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday at Oak Meadow

After the service at Laurel Heights UMC we made our way to the west side of San Antonio for our second service of Good Friday.  

Oak Meadow UMC is a special congregation for us and we were happy to join them for their Good Friday service.  Their service centered on the readings from 18th & 19th chapters of John's account of the gospel and was well attended by the congregation. 

Tre Ore Service

On a grey day in San Antonio (no rain, though) Charles took the day off from work and so we we were blessed by two worship services.

At noon, the "Tre Ore," or "Three Hours" service began at Laurel Heights UMC

This was a very moving service that observed the passion of Christ. This 3-hour service featured a series of segments framed around the seven last words, or phrases, of Christ upon the cross. It combined instrumental, choral and congregational music with silence, prayers, and praise.

Musical offerings were provided by the Chancel Choir and a guest violinist, Andrew Small. Geoffrey Waite, the director of music at Laurel Heights, provided some amazing selections on the organ.

A poem for Good Friday

Am I a stone, and not a sheep,
That I can stand, O Christ, beneath Thy cross,
To number drop by drop Thy Blood’s slow loss,
And yet not weep?

Not so those women loved
Who with exceeding grief lamented Thee;
Not so fallen Peter weeping bitterly;
Not so the thief was moved;

Not so the Sun and Moon
Which hid their faces in a starless sky.
A horror of great darkness at broad noon –

I, only I.
Yet give not o’er
But seek Thy sheep, true Shepherd of the flock;
Greater than Moses, turn and look once more
And smite a rock.
Christina Rossetti

Thursday, March 28, 2013

"Living Last Supper" @ Oxford UMC

The table is set

We began the Triduum, the three days leading to Easter, by attending the "Living Last Supper" presented by Oxford UMC.

This was a live dramatization of Jesus' last supper with the Disciples.  A special element tonight was receiving communion from "the disciples."

A poem for Holy [Maundy] Thursday

"Last Supper" by Sadao Watanabe
Tonight is a night of darkness.
We gather it together like gauze and wrap our souls in it.
Tonight is a night of final things.
We gather together in the darkness and hold hands for one last meal.

Tonight is a night of water.
We gather together to cleanse and prepare.
Tonight is a night of tears
We gather together and pray that the tears can wash away the betrayal yet
Tonight is a night of betrayal.
We gather together to support one another, but one of us will destroy.

The cup comes to me at the table – the cup of the last meal
I will drink of it deeply and
Remember all the good times; the teachings, the laughter, the love.
The cup comes to me at the table – the cup of new beginnings
I will drink of it deeply and
Hope that the new covenant will not hurt too much as it is carved on my heart
The cup comes to me in the garden – the cup of my Father’s will
I will drink of it deeply after
I ask that it pass from me.
The cup comes to me as He is on the cross – the cup of bitterness
I will drink of it deeply even
If it comes in a form that is alien to me.
The cup comes to me tonight and I will drink
I will drink deeply and enter into
At one ment with Him.

This is the dark night of the cup.
Dark is the wine, dark are the shadows, dark is my soul.
Together we enter into this night, we will leave separately in silence.
Can I be at one with Him? Will I stand watch with Him tonight?
Or will I too sleep at the gate?
Will I embrace and kiss only to betray?

[found on]

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday @ Northern Hills UMC

After leaving University UMC, we made our way to our second worship service of the morning.  We went to Northern Hills UMC , where there was a full sanctuary.  We enjoyed the children leading the congregation into Holy Week, waving their palm fronds.  It was a beautiful way to start this very special week!!

Palm Sunday @ University UMC

Our Holy Week got off to a windy, cool start as we headed off to church this morning. The first service we attended was at University UMC

The children of the church sang during a procession that included "Jesus" and several of his disciples.  Charles caught up with some of them after the service for this photo op!

Palm Sunday Prayer

Gathering for worship today, we are like the crowd that lined the streets, witnessing Your entry into Jerusalem.

Some of us gather here, full of enthusiasm.
Some of us gather wearied by what life has thrown at us.
Some of us have come out of curiosity.
Some of us out of habit.
Some of us gather with great expectation.
Some of us with no particular hopes.
It is here, O God, that You meet us and greet us and,
if we will allow, it is here that You surprise us with
Your love and Your grace.

So open our heavy eyes, and tired minds, steal into our closed hearts and surprise us today with joy.

Quell those unrealistic expectations, but open us to the possibility of hope and allow us to glimpse the goodness of Your purpose for us.

Even when we cannot name it ourselves
You know what ails us.
We submit to Your knowledge of us and we open ourselves to the need for Your forgiveness, a forgiveness that comes freely and abundantly.

So with cleansed hearts and open minds,
we join in the cry Hosanna!

Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest.

— written by the Rev. E. Crumlish of Castlehill Church, Ayr, Scotland.  Posted on the Church of Scotland’s excellent Starters for Sunday website.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

U.S. DoD Military Casualty Update: 11 - 20 March, 2013

Keokuk National Cemetery - Iowa
Chief Warrant Officer James E. Groves III [Army], 37, of Kettering, Ohio, died March 16 in Kandahar, Afghanistan.  He was assigned to 3rd Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division Hunter Army Airfield, GA. 

Chief Petty Officer Christian Michael Pike [Navy], 31, of Peoria, AZ, died March 13 in Landstuhl, Germany, as a result of combat-related injuries sustained on March 10 while conducting stability operations in Maiwand District, Afghanistan.  Pike was assigned to a West Coast-based Naval Special Warfare unit. 

Spc. David T. Proctor [Army], 26, of Greensboro, NC, died March 13, at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, from injuries sustained during a non-combat incident on March 3, in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan.  He was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, 1st Armor Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, GA. 

The following died March 11, in Kandahar, Afghanistan.  Killed were: 

Staff Sgt. Steven P. Blass [Army], 27, of Estherville, Iowa.  He was assigned to the 4th Battalion, 3rd Aviation Regiment, 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, Hunter Army Airfield, GA. 

Chief Warrant Officer Bryan J. Henderson [Army], 27, of Franklin, LA.  He was assigned to the 4th Battalion, 3rd Aviation Regiment, 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, Hunter Army Airfield, GA. 

Capt. Sara M. Knutson [Army], 27, of Eldersburg, MD.  She was assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, Hunter Army Airfield, GA. 

Staff Sgt. Marc A. Scialdo [Army], 31, of Naples, FL.  He was assigned to the 603rd Aviation Support Battalion, 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, Hunter Army Airfield, GA. 

Spc. Zachary L. Shannon [Army], 21, of Dunedin, FL.  He was assigned to the 4th Battalion, 3rd Aviation Regiment, 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, Hunter Army Airfield, GA. 

Happy birthday, Uncle Bob!

Today is the 90th birthday of Charles' Uncle Robert Plants!  Uncle Bob is Charles' mother's oldest brother. 

He served in the Navy in the Pacific during WWII aboard the USS Starling (AM 64), a mine sweeper, and was in action numerous times.