Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Morning @ Alamo Heights UMC

Garden Chapel

Prayer Chapel

 Our third service of Easter morning took us to Alamo Heights UMC.  We'd been to this church (one of the largest in the Southwest Texas Conference) before, most recently during Advent, and wanted to experience it on the festive ocasion that is Easter.  The service we attended was standing-room only with folding chairs in the aisles for some to use.  We don't know how many were there but it must have been nearly 1,000 people.  The music there is as amazing as one might expect from such a large and affluent congregation. 

One thing we really liked was at the beginning of the service, items which had been removed from the communion table on Good Friday were returned and placed on the table by one of the five pastors.  It was very moving to see this being done as part of the worship service.

Following worship we joined a number of other worshippers in the small chapel for communion.  What a perfect way to end our Easter!

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