Saturday, September 5, 2009

Minnesota State Fair (Part Two)

It was back to The Cities for the second weekend of the Minnesota State Fair on Friday! We went mostly to see a performance of the Prairie Home Companion with Garrison Keillor, but there was so much more to see from our first visit last week.

We decided to split up for a few hours and see things of interest to each of us. Charles made his way first to the animals and saw barrel racing, sheep shearing, the largest boar in Minnesota (at 4-year old Hampshire) who weighs 1, 31o lbs., and sampled some of the milk "all you can drink milk for $1" booth (these dairy farmers go through 3,000 gallons of milk a day!). Charles also spent time in the Natural Resources area seeing the amazing variety of wildlife that Minnesota has to offer and a ride on the space needle (330 ft. up!). There was also time to visit the Dairy Building and see the carving, out of 90 lb. blocks of butter of "Princess Kay of the Milky Way." It takes 5-6 hours sitting in a 35F booth to get the job done!

Belinda saw a parade, complete with marching bands AND someone walking down the street as a can of SPAM. Yes, a man wearing a can of spam! Oi vey! What a day! Afterwards, she visited Heritage Place and listened to some great music. It was an afternoon of people watching and a roasted ear of corn and an "ultimate snow cone."

When we got back together, it was at the North Woods area of the fair grounds for a Lumber Jack/Jill competition. Wow, it was amazing what these folks could do with axes, buck saws and chain saws. We found our way after the competition to the Hamline UMC cafe for supper and sampled their version of Swedish meatballs and their famous ham loaf, yum!

A bit more walking about, and it was on to the Fair's Grandstand and the annual state fair performance of the Prairie Home Companion show. What a treat it was to see a live radio show being performed in front of a crowd of several thousand people. We really enjoyed the music and, of course, the skits and "Lake Wobegon" monologue!

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