Belinda just worked this morning at the wellness center, before leaving for a quick day-trip to San Angelo.
Belinda had an appointment to get her hair cut and a special two-hour message. She was due for some pampering after the past few weeks of burning the candle at both ends! Charles did the "manly" duty of taking the car to the dealer for some maintence work.
On the way out of town, we stopped by for a quick visit with Belinda's mother. Belinda was excited to deliver a copy of the McCamey News with the article about the new wellness center. Belinda was presented with a copies of the San Angelo newspaper, which had a front-page story about the wellness center! The picture of them includes them wearing their wellness center t-shirts. Belinda's mother approved of the both the design and the good quality of the shirts themselves: high praise, indeed!
We drove back to McCamey and enjoyed the sights of west Texas. We spotted a road runner, a jack rabbitt, some deer and lots of sheep and cattle. We stopped in Mertzon to take a picture of some of the largest boots in west Texas (such creative people)! As we were passing through Rankin, we spotted something really amazing. There was a large gathering of turkey vultures circling a grove of pecan trees looking for a roost for the night. It was a really cool sight!
(Note: The first picture featured above is of a sweet critter who lives in our back garden.)
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