We have so many fun things happening in our town next week! The high school's homecoming theme is "We're Out of This World!" Here are the planned daily activities at the high school next week.
Monday, September 20: "Supporting Our Soldiers." Students dress in camouflage, wear a military t-shirt, wear patriotic colors, etc. Hats will be allowed as long as folks are participating with this designated theme.
Tuesday, September 21: "Confuse the Lions." // High school folks -- "Opposite Day." Boys will dress as girls; girls will dress as boys. Hats and flip flops will be allowed as long as folks are participating in this designated theme. // Junior high school folks -- "Jersey Day." Wear jerseys from favorite teams. // Primary school folks -- "We're So Cool, We Gotta Wear Shades." Wear favorite sunglasses.
Wednesday, September 22: "Owls are Lions." // "Wacky Nerd Day." Dress as crazy, wacky, mis-matched as possible. Hats and flip flops will be allowed as long as folks are participating in this designated theme. // LIGHTING OF THE "M" at 8:30 p.m., Badger Stadium Parking Lot.
Thursday, September 23: "We're Out of This World." Dress as something from outer space, from a sci-fi movie, an astronaut, an alien. Paint your face, wear a mask, etc.
Friday, September 24: "Go, Badgers!" "SPIRIT DAY!" Wear as much orange and black as possible! Hats are acceptable as long as they have these school colors.
SCHEDULE: 12 NOON: Pep Rally! 4:00 P.M.: Homecoming Parade! 7:30 P.M. Homecoming Game, Badger Stadium: McCamey Badgers vs. Ozona Lions.